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Management and coordination - WP6

4370 - full - crd_page - medium


Ensure that the project moves forward in conformity with the work plan with regard to milestones, deliverables, and planned resources. Optimise the infrastructural setup to support the project, with special attention paid to financial, logistics, information, and coordination issues and in terms of quality and conformity to EC rules and procedures. At the strategic level, steer the project to address the complex issues of material ownership and benefits of sharing among the various stakeholders involved in the innovation process in conformity with national and international legislations. 

4370 - full - Contenu des classeurs

Site suivi par MATOMO (id: 142)

Ordre de priorité des .INI
Attribute Type Value
0 string 'settings'
1 string 'extension/ezsite/settings'
2 string 'extension/ezfind/settings'
3 string 'extension/ezsiteUtils/settings'
4 string 'siteaccess'
5 string 'extension/ezwebin/settings'
6 string 'settings/override'

Entrées dans $pagedata.SiteParams : SiteBaseURL RootNodeID contact genererDebug site_ouvert titre_site soustitre_site copyright